BIPOC Talk is a branch of the Peer Support Centre that is catered towards BIPOC students. Sessions are conducted by BIPOC-identifying volunteers who are trained to confidentially, non-judgementally, and empathetically listen to students and recommend appropriate resources. No appointment is needed, just drop in during our hours of operation!
BIPOC Talk values:
- Healing — Providing holistically safe healing spaces for BIPOC students to work through their experiences in the presence of BIPOC peers.
- Community-Building — Creating opportunities for BIPOC students to connect with one another and build community.
- Joy and Ease — Facilitating BIPOC spaces that are simply for ease and joy, where BIPOC students can drop in to a light celebration of their joy.
Follow us on @bipoctalk for our latest hours of operation and updates! Please email if you would like to be added to our email list.